Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Chinese Night

So my dad went into work early last night, which means we get some form of take out. And last night we got Chinese food. I'm not really overly fond of Chinese food, it has way too many things that I don't eat. I hate vegetables, rice, beef, and pork. Basically the main staples of Chinese food. But there's still a chunk of Chinese food that I do eat. I'm in love with General Tso's Chicken and boneless pork rips.

I took a bunch of pictures from last night because take out is pretty much a rare occurrence in my house.

Here's the menus we used. After like a half hour of arguing what to get, we finally settled. The whole argument was essentially, "I hate Chinese food. There's nothing I eat." Lolz. And of course we got our Chinese food from Sultan Wok. I don't think I've ever had Chinese food from a different restaurant before. But my family assures me ever other Chinese food place is terrible.

Oh man it arrived!

A peek inside the bag.


Everyone looking at the food. But it's really an excuse for me to take pictures of everyone.

Mi madre.

Lolz it's Heather.

I look terrible, but at least I'm rocking my anime shirt. :]

Behold our food!

My family eats entirely too much. :P

The soups.

Yeah we got two kinds because Chinese soup is pretty epic. The chicken noodle soup is seriously better than I expected it to be.

Pic time! I needed more pics of Heather and I.

Heather is kinda making weird face.

I look so unnatural. And Heather fails at taking pictures. XD

The food plates.

Heather's. It looks pretty gross to me.

And my plate. It's pretty snazzy. I have meat, meat, and more meat. :P That was so much food, it literally took me over 2 hours to eat it. o_O

OMG Chicken Chow Fun!

It was probably the grossest food I have ever seen. The chicken was good but everything else was just bad. I didn't even attempt to try it after my mom had to spit it out. I recommend never ordering or eating this. It's not very fun at all. ._.

Nothing completes the meal better than a fortune cookie.

My fortune.

I always get stupid fortunes. Apparently if you're happy that also makes you wise. I wonder what being sad makes you? Emo probably. :P

I love the learn Chinese. I can never pronounce it but I still love it. You always get the most off the wall words that aren't helpful at all.

Of course while writing this post I was listening to Kanjani8's Kanfuu Fighting. I can't think of a better song to listen to. :]

Zai jan! 谢谢! I had to get Chinese in there somewhere. :]