Thursday, April 9, 2009

If you seek Amy

So when I found out Britney Spears had a new song out called If You Seek Amy I was really excited. Mostly because Amy is my name. But after I heard it the first time I realized the lyrics didn't make sense at all. So I was talking to Heather about it and she agreed on the WTF factor of the song. And after, I'm guessing, a five minute search on the internet courtesy of Heather I now understand what exactly If You Seek Amy means.

Apparently if you phonetically pronounce if you seek Amy it spells F-U-C-K ME. I honestly feel like a n00b for not knowing that already. And I have mixed feelings about the saying. On one hand I'm a little upset that my name will be synonymous with sex now. Why does it always have to be me? But on the other hand Britney Spears is brilliant! That is so clever it's not even funny. If anything, actually knowing what it means makes me like the song even more.

So anyone out there reading my blog, if you seek Amy I'm right here. ;]