Monday, April 20, 2009

Miss USA 2009 and my take on Miss California

Last night the 2009 Miss USA pageant aired. So my family and I did what we do every time a pageant comes on tv, we make a game out of it.

We start off by picking our top 15 girls. Those are the girl we stick with through the whole competition. Then we just wait to see if any of the girls we choose made it to the top 5 or actually win.

Here's my list from last night.

As I wrote the top 15 and top 10, I circled each girl that I had picked from the beginning. I didn't do that bad actually. Six of the girls I picked made it into the top 15.

I did even better at the top 5.

Amazingly 3/5 of my girls were in the top five. Sadly I did not choose the winner this year. My girls came in 5th, 4th, and 3rd place. However my mom and sister both picked the winner North Carolina.

She is really pretty and totally deserved to win.

However I thought California was going to win. Throughout the whole competition she scored the highest out of all the girls and the judges really seemed to like her. But the question segment was her downfall. She received a question for judge Perez Hilton. And I'm sorry but what grounds does he have to judge Miss USA? He doesn't have any, but neither did Kenan Thompson. They really picked stupid judges this year. Anyway, Perez's question was does she think every state should legalize same sex marriage. And she answered in the typical religious , republican answer. "No. marriage should be between a man and a woman." And after she said that Perez's face sank. And with good reason.

That was a terrible answer. I think it's obvious that marriage should be between anyone who wants to get married. Whether it's man and woman, man and man, woman and woman, man and pig or anything they want. There are people out there who have seriously married themselves, and that's fine. It's more socially accepted to be crazy and marry yourself, but god forbid you what to marry another man. It's totally ridiculous! I am tired of religious freaks making it so gay marriage isn't legal. They have no right to turn their religious views into my laws! Didn't we already do that enough with Bush? Ugh her answer just made me so mad. It's people like her why gay people might never be allowed to get married in all 50 states.

Yeah mini rant, but it had to be said. Here's the clip if you want to see her epic fail answer.

Here's Perez's response to his own question.

And I agree 100% with his answer. Miss USA should unite the country not alienate people living in it.