Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Miss Universe 2009

Miss Universe aired over a week ago. I was supposed to write about it the next day, but I completely forgot to. XD So here's my belayed post about it.

My mom and I did the same thing we did for Miss America, we made a game out of it to pick the winner. By picking our top 15 and seeing how far they make it.

Here's my paper. As you can tell I did horrible this year. I only got 2 girls into the top 15, Miss Australia and Miss South Africa. I did was better for Miss America. :/ But it's a lot harder with 86 countries, instead of 50 states, and District of Columbia.

The top 5. I might have only had 2 girls, but Australia made it all the way to the top 5. However, she didn't win, Miss Venezuela did. For the second year in the a row Venezuela won. They said that was the first time in history a country has won twice in a row. Which is kinda cool.