Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Heroes, Jonas, and tornados! Oh my!

A little disclaimer is that, this post is like a week overdue. But I get to lazy to upload pictures, since I have to basically hack into my own camera. XD Anyway, on to the post.

I got the Heroes season 3 DVD the other day. Since I'm behind like 12 episodes from the last season. ._. But in the time I waited for it arrive in the mail I got to re watch the first two seasons. I didn't really remember the second season that much because I was rushing to watch to catch up for the season 3 premiere. Much like I'm doing now. But that also means I've seen the first season 3 and 1/2 times. I miss Peter's long emoish hair.

The DVD cover.

The DVDs themselves. XD

I want this ridiculously overpriced Heroes magazine! I mean seriously, 6 issues for $47.95. And that's 20% off! I can get subscriptions to magazines from Japan for $100 for 12 issues.

As soon as I found out the Jonas Brothers had a Rolling Stone 75 page special edition issue of course I had to get it. 75 pages of pure hottness. ;]

The cover.

Some pages from it.

A Jonas IQ quiz in the back.

I actually know more about JB than I thought I did.

About a week ago it was raining pretty hard. And according to the weather my county was in a tornado warning. Which made me pretty jazzed. My town and county is so small and insignificant that it hardly ever gets mentioned ever. So whenever I heard something about either of the two I get really excited. And I also wish a tornado would hit here. I guess that's makes me weird.

A picture out my front window. It looked like normal rain to be. And it wasn't even hailing.

It broke a branch in my yard. But not even as big as the one from the last bad storm we had.