Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm still alive blog

When I first started my blog I had every intention to post in it all the time. As you can tell I haven't written on her in a while. Some of it was because I forgot, but most was just laziness. XD I just haven't really felt like blogging lately, in either of my blogs. Which is not really a good thing. >_>
My lack of updates wasn't because I had nothing to write about either. Over the weeks, or however long its been, I've had a few things to blog about. But I was just lazy. ._.
So you know what that means? Mass update spam! Hopefully this will be the only update spam I'll have to do on my blog. I'll also be doing the spam in the same order the events happened. XD

Just because I'm jealous of LJ because you can post what song you're listening to, here's a youtube vid. I'm actually not even listening to this song right now, I just immediately thought of this song the entire time I wrote this post. I'm sure someone out there missed my blog. Maybe. XD