Wednesday, October 7, 2009

There's Aliens on the Moon!

No, seriously there is. Over the past few weeks I've stumbled upon a bunch of different articles and such that prove just that.

Reason #1: They found a 200,000 year old moon statue.

Well they didn't really just find it. More like the government has been hiding this find for 40 years. 40 years! Lab workers chipped the angel from one of the rocks brought to Earth by Apollo 11 astronauts. The statue is 200,000 years old which means it was made 170,000 years before the human race appeared on Earth. So unless you're an idiot, or just really bad at math, that proves there was intelligent life on the moon before. That also means they're was intelligent life before us. And it there was intelligent life before us, there still is! I'd like to hear a nonbeliever argue with that. The only down side to finally revealing this statue is it's an angel statue. Of course it has to be an angel. So the article say this means "religion is universal." But what he really wanted to say was, this means Christianity is the superior religion. Ugh. The article also mentions the Annunaki. I was pretty jazzed about that. ^^ If anyone wants to read the article you can here.

Reason #2: Moon Rising

Recently I watched one of the most interesting films I've ever seen. It was all about everything we know, or though we knew about the moon was a lie. I shows evidence of NASA covering up buildings on the moon, masking out the sky, and even painting the moon the grayscale we're all familiar with. There's a lot of solid information in this movie. It shows you all the hidden meaning in NASA's space patches. Especially the Apollo missions. For some reason Egyptian and hieroglyphics surround everything to do with the Apollo missions. When it's supposed to be Greek, since Apollo is the Greek god of the moon. The reason for the Egyptian theme in Apollo is because NASA is hiding the pyramids on the moon. They are also hiding the pyramids on Mars. Which feeds into the theory that Aliens built the pyramids! You can watch the full film here.

Reason #3: Moon Bombing violates space law

On October 7th, NASA plans to bomb the moon. NASA said it was to find proof of water. But about a week or two ago India confirmed there was water on the moon, and the next day NASA did too. So if they know there's water on the moon, why are they still bombing it? This article says, "The NASA moon bombing may also trigger conflict with known extraterrestrial civilizations on the moon. Known extraterrestrial civilizations! The article also goes into saying that NASA is bombing the moon with malicious intent to kill the Aliens. Which I don't condone, since it would start an intergalactic war we're incapable of having. The article also goes into how this must be stopped, and astronaut's UFO accounts from NASA and Soviet Russia. You can read the article here.

Yup, I pretty much love anything to do with Aliens and UFOs. :]