Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Giant pizza!

I wanted to post about this earlier, but I got lazy, and then I just forgot about it completely. I really need to stop forgetting things. I don't focus nearly enough time on this blog as I'd like to. But that's another post for another day.

Anyway, recently a new Pizza place opened around where I live. And when my mom pointed out they made giant pizza I was automatically amped. I've seen lots of show about giant pizza, but I've never actually seen or eaten any of it before. I was excited to have a a dancing plethora of cheese in my mouth. ;]

Here's the pizza.

We had to turn it sideways just to get it through the door. It's actually not as big as I expected it to be. It's no where near the size you get in New York City. It's pretty 2 large pizza in one. But it's still the biggest pizza around where I live.

The slices.

It's bigger than the plate! You'd think that would be enough food for dinner, but since I eat like a pig it wasn't. ;] I gotta take advantage of this fast metabolism while I can.

Oh, and just because. ;]