Tuesday, August 11, 2009

America steals everything from England and apparently Japan

I was watching TV tonight, and I saw a commercial for ABC's new show Shark Tank. (Which I think is premiering Sunday) Well I actually saw the commercial about a week ago, but completely forgot about it until I saw it again tonight. XD

Now the first 5 second of the promo I was in shock, because I automatically realized what Shark Tank was. Shark Tank is a complete rip off of the British show Dragon's Den. Now, I've never seen Dragon's Den before because it's not really my type of show. But, I've seen the promos on BBC America enough to know the gist of the show.

I'm a little disappointed at yet another shameless rip off of. But it also turns out that the British version is also a shameless rip off. The show originated in Japan, and was titled Money Tigers. Is this show really that great to have it in like 12 countries?

Regardless of where this show originated,yet another unoriginal show makes me really sad. Is America really that unoriginal that we can't even make our own TV shows? I mean seriously. I'm sick of the US stealing everything. TV shows from England, movies from Asia. It's a little pathetic.

I guess that's enough ranting for now. XD Am I the only one who think Dragon's Den sounds 1,000 times cooler than Shark Tank?