Friday, May 22, 2009

Song contests didn't disappoint me this year

Now I never really watched that many singing contests, because they're aren't really that many out there. But this year I watched 2 song contests. I watched Eurovision for the first time this year and I reluctantly watched most of season 8 of American Idol. And watching them paid off, because for once I wasn't completely disappointed with the results.


I was so happy that Norway won! I wanted Norway to win so bad. I would have been so mad if he lost. It's kind of awesome that I watched Eurovision for the first time, and I picked the winner. Most of the people I put in my Eurovision top 10 made it to the finals. I guess I really know how to pick my Eurovison music. And proves even more more how I should be living in England and not the States. Anyway, apparently Alexander Rybak set a Eurovision record for most points ever won. He had 387, which is awesome. :]

American Idol:

Words can't describe how happy I am that Adam didn't win! I seriously felt like dancing after I heard that he lost. It's not like Kris deserved it more than him, because let's be honest Kris can't sing either. I just hate Adam Lambert so much. He can't sing at all. That sad excuse for singing, where all he does is scream doesn't count.
I really hate that every is saying he lost because he's gay. No, he didn't lose because he can't sing or anything. Nope it's cause he's gay. If gay mattered he would have been kicked off a long time ago. Like Danny did and lots of other gay contestants on AI. It's just really annoying.