Last year when I didn't have a blog a made I Christmas album on my Facebook. Well I actually made one this year too. XD Since I have a blog this year I figured I post my pictures on here too. :]
These pictures were supposed to be taken all night Christmas Eve and all day Christmas day, but I got lazy and they're mostly just from Christmas Eve. But that doesn't really matter, you still get an idea of how Heather and I spent our Christmas.
Christmas plater. I was so amped to use the holy knife. XD
The matching bowls.
Enchiladas we had for dinner on Christmas Eve. I should have taken a picture before we started eating but I just cared about eating them first. XD
My mom bought gingerbread house kits these year. Here's everything it came with plus some candy we bought.
The finished houses. My house is the first one and the prettiest. ;] Heather's is the second.
Since my family gets new Christmas pajamas every year I decided it would be cool to take some family pictures. But my family is weird so of course all the pictures turned into stupid pictures for fun. lol.
The only normal picture we took.
The laughing begins.
I had to do my signature peace sign.
Bunny ears. ._.
Lolz at Heather's startled face.
We couldn't stop laughing.
My sexy family. ;]
Strangling. XD
Idk what's up with my OMG face.
Everyone's weird face.
This picture was meant for you to see my pants and my Mom's pants. It didn't really work out too well.
The snacks we had. If I haven't said it before my family eats entirely too much. :]
The Night Before Christmas pop up book my dad reads ever year.
Reading it.
My dad getting all into it.
Me getting all into it. XD
More reading.
A very Jonas Christmas part 1.
A very Jonas Christmas part 2.
Asian movies I wanted on DVD.
I love Mickey Mouse. So this gets added to the collection.
Twillight book set.
Twillight bottles. I got Jacob and Heather got Edward.
My Mika CD! It's about time I got it. :]
Seinfeld Scene It game because I love Seinfeld.
Well that's pretty much it. I should have taken picture on Christmas but c'est la vie. But if you care for Christmas dinner we had ham. XD
Saturday, December 26, 2009
How I spent my Christmas
Posted by Aim_Aim at 10:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Blogging, Christmas, Christmas Eve, Family, Random
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Blizzard '09
Or at least that's what the news is calling it. It doesn't really seem like a blizzard to me, more like a nor'easter. But we still got a lot of snow regardless. We were supposed to get 15-20 inches, but it looks like we got maybe 14 or 15. But it's still really exciting. It's the first snow of the season. And we haven't gotten this much snow since I was like 7 and we got 2 foot. I walked in it and it covered half my body. lol.
The news also said we're guaranteed to have a white Christmas. Which is even more exciting because I've also never had a white Christmas ever.
And because I'm cool I had to take pictures as the snow fell.
Snow at 5 PM.
I had to take it through the window. You can creepily see my reflection in the glass. XD
Still 5 PM but I had my night feature on. It how cool it looks!
At 9:30 PM.
I took this outside, while it was still snowing. I had to like hide my camera from the snow.
With my flash on. It just looks better. XD
Then 8 AM the next day.
Look how pretty it looks! I love that it was completely untounched.
Snow accumulated on my Dad's truck.
My foot. So you could see how much it snowed. Wearing my mom's ugly boots.
I really wanted to take more pictures of the snow ever few hours but I went to sleep. And it retrospect I probably should have started taking pictures as soon as it started to snow. But c'est la vie.
Oh and just because. ;]
Belated Thankgiving post
So Thanksgiving was almost a month ago. It was so long ago that it almost seems pointless to write about it now. But I'm doing to anyway! Mostly because I already took the pictures for it. XD
But anyway, here's my Thanksgiving table.
We had turkey, sweet potatoes, corn pudding, rutabaga, stuffing, cranberry, mashed potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower casserole, and baked ziti for me because I don't eat anything besides turkey. ._.
And I had to take a picture of these.
Bird salt and pepper shakers.
Yeah that's basically about it. This post would have probably been better if it was actually done on Thanksgiving. I suck. XD
Posted by Aim_Aim at 5:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Blogging, Fail, Food, Random, Thanksgiving
Saturday, October 24, 2009
In hopes of blogging more here's a couple things that I wanted to blog about. Just stupid things that I've been liking or hating lately.
As many Mika fans would know his new album, The Boy Who Knew Too Much, was released on September 21st. And since I'm a HUGE Mika fan, I really want the album already! But since I don't have any cash money I have to wait until someone else buys it for me. So pretty much I have to wait until my mom buys it for me for Christmas. XD What's even worse is it seems everywhere I look, they're telling me I have to buy it. His album has ads on Imeem, it has commercials, it's used for a Degrassi promo, and the Billboard guy from Fuse said it's expected to sell well. I'm not really sure if that has happened though. XD But I did watch some live Mika footage on Logo the other night. I was completely expecting it to be footage from his Live in Cartoon Motive DVD, but it wasn't. And I was super excited. It was a bunch of his new songs. And they're amazing. To anyone out there who hates Mika, they should really listen to him live because he hits every high note perfectly. Well he was trained to be an opera singer. Oh, and We Are Golden is amazing! :]
In sadder news Lil Wayne plead guilty to gun possession charges. He could face a year in prison, and will be sentenced in February. So basically, just as T.I. is getting out of prison Lil Wayne will be going in. Nobody wants me to have actual rap music to listen to. I guess he could always do what T.I. is doing. Since he went to prison he's had 2 singles. But, still I'm gonna miss seeing his face for a year. :/ When I saw the Behind The Music of Lil Wayne, and saw that he had pending charges, I thought of course he does! :/
I am officially not watching Project Runway anymore this season. The hands down best designer of all of season 6 was kicked off on Thursday's episode. Yes, my absolutely favorite designer Nicolas Putvinski was kicked off, so that Christopher could deliver yet another hideous and mediocre dress. This was Nicolas's first time in the bottom, but it was Christopher's either second or third time in a row in the bottom. So, Christopher got to skate by to most likely get kicked off next episode. This was a huge mistake on Project Runway's part.
Every single piece he made I loved. Even the designs the judges hated I loved. The blue and white lace dress was my favorite of his. I'd wear it right now! Gahh it just really sucks that he left.
And in slightly embarrassing news, as much as I hate to admit it, I love Miley Cyrus's Party In The USA. It wasn't too long ago that I was mocking the song for being #1 on the Billboard charts. And I pretty much hate Miley Cyrus's music for the most part, because as Hannah Montana she's singing about ice cream and the fact that I'm not 12 years old. And besides we all know the best thing to come out of Hannah Montana was Metro Station.
But I must admit I did like her song See You Again also. After I actually gave Party In The USA a chance it wasn't really that bad. It's lyrics are mediocre at best, but it's catchy and somehow infectious.
Posted by Aim_Aim at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Blogging, Guilty, Lil Wayne, Mika, Miley Cyrus, Nicolas Putvinski, Project Runway, Random
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
There's Aliens on the Moon!
No, seriously there is. Over the past few weeks I've stumbled upon a bunch of different articles and such that prove just that.
Reason #1: They found a 200,000 year old moon statue.
Reason #2: Moon Rising
Recently I watched one of the most interesting films I've ever seen. It was all about everything we know, or though we knew about the moon was a lie. I shows evidence of NASA covering up buildings on the moon, masking out the sky, and even painting the moon the grayscale we're all familiar with. There's a lot of solid information in this movie. It shows you all the hidden meaning in NASA's space patches. Especially the Apollo missions. For some reason Egyptian and hieroglyphics surround everything to do with the Apollo missions. When it's supposed to be Greek, since Apollo is the Greek god of the moon. The reason for the Egyptian theme in Apollo is because NASA is hiding the pyramids on the moon. They are also hiding the pyramids on Mars. Which feeds into the theory that Aliens built the pyramids! You can watch the full film here.
Reason #3: Moon Bombing violates space law
On October 7th, NASA plans to bomb the moon. NASA said it was to find proof of water. But about a week or two ago India confirmed there was water on the moon, and the next day NASA did too. So if they know there's water on the moon, why are they still bombing it? This article says, "The NASA moon bombing may also trigger conflict with known extraterrestrial civilizations on the moon. Known extraterrestrial civilizations! The article also goes into saying that NASA is bombing the moon with malicious intent to kill the Aliens. Which I don't condone, since it would start an intergalactic war we're incapable of having. The article also goes into how this must be stopped, and astronaut's UFO accounts from NASA and Soviet Russia. You can read the article here.
Yup, I pretty much love anything to do with Aliens and UFOs. :]
Giant pizza!
I wanted to post about this earlier, but I got lazy, and then I just forgot about it completely. I really need to stop forgetting things. I don't focus nearly enough time on this blog as I'd like to. But that's another post for another day.
Anyway, recently a new Pizza place opened around where I live. And when my mom pointed out they made giant pizza I was automatically amped. I've seen lots of show about giant pizza, but I've never actually seen or eaten any of it before. I was excited to have a a dancing plethora of cheese in my mouth. ;]
Here's the pizza.
The slices.
It's bigger than the plate! You'd think that would be enough food for dinner, but since I eat like a pig it wasn't. ;] I gotta take advantage of this fast metabolism while I can.
Oh, and just because. ;]
Posted by Aim_Aim at 12:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: Blogging, Giant pizza, Pizza, Random